Imperial Purple Clothes

The girls are extremely proud of their “royal clothing.”  I think the color is quite beautiful and I’m eyeing the last bit of the powdered dye that we have left in the jar for myself someday.

Bluebird and I came up with the idea that we truly need to make these clothes look royal, so we went to the craft store and picked out some gold thread and gems and pearls to embellish the clothing in the near future.  I’ll post again when it gets done…I’m hoping that this promise to post motivates me to actually get it done.

I love homeschooling!  Let me tell ya, the idea to dye clothes with a six and four year old in attendance is nothing I’d have contemplated doing were it not for homeschooling!  But they helped as much as they could and it was a fun experience for us all.  We read the Aeneas book in between the timed stirring sessions, which was just so “warm & fuzzy.”

I’m looking forward to all the other projects we have scheduled for the year…we’re getting good results so far!