Hitting the Pause Button

Hello, lovelies!

The kids went back to school last week, and I’ve been figuring out our schedule for the next few months and I am just not going to have time to write. Rather than leave you hanging and wondering if there’s going to be new posts each week, I thought I’d give you a heads-up that I probably won’t be able to post anything new until December/January. Resurrecting the blog and my social media accounts are on my to-do list, but when I rank them against other priorities, the other priorities are just more important.

I hope you all have a lovely autumn and holiday season–I’m really excited to officially get going with the Holiday Houseworks Plan this week–and hopefully I’ll find snippets of time to post any finished projects that happen between now and the new year. (I’ve been trying to find time to post about Ren’s Carnival birthday party for almost two weeks now…) Thank you for your interactions with me over this last summer, I’ve really enjoyed it, and I hope to pick it back up for real very soon!