Finished: Inca Snowflake Hat

Rachel’s so happy that I made a hat for Emily because she knows that in a few years, when the other two are too big, she’ll be able to wear it!

(And don’t get all impressed by the supposed plethora of projects that are getting finished up lately–this was finished weeks ago, but then shoved into Emily’s dresser and completely forgotten. I noticed it today and realized I never gave it a proper “Finished” post.)

Pattern: “Inca Snowflake,” from Itty-Bitty Hats by Susan B. Anderson
Yarn: Noro “Taiyo” Color #11–I had to use portions of two skeins in order to get the ear flaps to have the same color gradient.
Needles: You know, I really can’t remember. My dear, sweet toddler ransacked my knitting arsenal and fumbled everything together.
Modifications: The hats in this book are for toddlers, not Kindergarteners. I know I just basically followed the pattern but used larger needles…but that’s as much as I can tell you! I haven’t lined it with fleece yet, which will make it fit better. I’m still deciding if I’m going to embroider the snowflakes and put the crochet trim on it…I worked on this during the “morning sickness phase” and I just really don’t like looking at it anymore.

Glad it’s done…it makes my girl(s) happy.

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