Mom’s Dance Party of Horror

I was doing so well yesterday.  I was teaching, I was answering questions, and I was engaging in witty banter with my beloved offspring all while trimming down some hexies to baste.  Voila!  Lots of  hexies, and school going along on schedule to boot.

My inner celebratory dance spasmed into consciousness, knocking over the can of Diet Coke I had been enjoying but a moment beforehand.  Knocking over the can directly onto my fresh-faced hexies.  Knocking over the can so violently that the carbonation went out of control and spewed Diet Coke all over everything in its vicinity.

Hexies, chairs, worksheets, notions case, everything in the notions case.  Tidal waves of Diet Coke surging outward and destroying everything in its path.

Good feeling gone.

I didn’t freak out; I calmly dealt with the offensive can of explosive horror, wiped everything up, and then commenced with watching my once-starched hexagons curl up and peel away from their freezer paper templates throughout the remainder of the day.

This is what happens when moms dance, even just “pretending” in their heads.  Heed the warning.  Lock it up.

Hopefully Diet Coke washes out, and hopefully freezer paper re-adheres…everything was going so well yesterday.  Until it wasn’t.

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5 thoughts on “Mom’s Dance Party of Horror

  1. LA Paylor says:

    I feel your pain. I saw it coming and couldn't stop reading. So disheartening. Well, the kids got to see you not freak out, which is priceless. Did they see the tears later?? I love love a hexie too.
    LeeAnna Paylor


  2. Judy says:

    This really made me laugh – not in a mean way – more in a that's just the sort of thing that would happen to me. Visiting from Lets Bee Social -it's great to find someone who knits and quilts


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