The Thanks I Get

I committed to sewing up an apron for both Bluebird and Rabbit. We’ve picked out fabric (Bluebird went with pink, cupcakes and rainbow bubble dots; Rabbit is still deciding between cherries or sock monkeys…oh, to understand the decision-making criteria of a two year old), I washed Bluebird’s fabric and got it ready to go and I started cutting and sewing this morning.

I really enjoyed sewing up the little apron, which is so adorable and perky; but after seven collective hours of sewing and sticking pins into my fingers, I was pretty glad to be done. I proudly produced the tiny apron to my family, and Mr. Brooke expressed his admiration and Bluebird was happy to put the apron on so I could take a picture of her in it. I then took it off of her so I could do some “Finish Project Shots” and when I was rudely cut off from that endeavor by my lazy camera batteries, I offered it back to her to put on again.

Her response: “No thank you.”

I think the next apron will be for me. ONLY ME.

And I’ll be sure to probably thank myself for all the trouble I went to in making me a present!

(Pictures will follow when: 1. I get new camera batteries, and 2. I find the cord that allows me to upload my pictures to my computer.)

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